Illegal Drugs - Parent Booklet

22 effects of ketamine If snorted or ‘bumped’, ketamine takes effect within 5–10 minutes (longer if swallowed). Its effects can last for a couple of hours. Ketamine (ketamine hydrochloride) is a white powder, usually sold in ‘bumps’ or grams. A ‘bump’ is a small amount of powder, usually snorted through a small glass nasal inhaler called a bumper. Ketamine can also be swallowed, smoked, or injected. As with all drugs sold in powder form, ketamine may also be sold ‘cut’ (mixed) with other white powder substances which may or may not be harmful — users can never be 100% sure of what they’re getting. Ketamine is also known as K, Special K, Vitamin K, or horse tranquilizer. ketamine what is it ? Effects of ketamine vary, but may include: Ketamine is commonly used by Veterinarians to sedate animals such as horses . immediate long term • Increased heart rate and body temperature • Drowsiness • Feeling of euphoria (a ‘high’) • Loss of coordination • Slurred speech • Feeling dizzy or faint • Confusion and disorientation • Numbness and a feeling of paralysis. • Nausea and vomiting • Anxiety and panic attacks • Hallucinations (e.g. seeing or hearing things that aren’t really there) • Paranoia (feeling extremely suspicious and frightened) • Psychosis (see glossary) • An experience known as the ‘K-hole’ which is the feeling of being trapped in a state of detachment. This can be frightening. • Overdose • Dependence (addiction) • Problems with memory, attention, and decision making • Mental health problems • Ulcerative cystitis – symptoms include cramps and frequent, painful and involuntary urination. • Intense abdominal pains known as ‘K-cramps’ • Kidney problems