Illegal Drugs - Parent Booklet

8 talking to a young person about illegal drugs Illegal drugs are associated with many short and long-term harms. It isn’t necessarily just how much someone is using, but how much their use affects their life and the lives of those around them. There are some signs and behaviours that may raise concern to whether your child is using drugs, however many of these behavioural changes are also common among developing adolescents so it is important not to assume that these changes are due to drug use. Some signs of drug use may include: withdrawal from friends and family, a change in friends, a drop in grades at school, signs of depression, hostility, an increase in borrowingmoney, evidence of drug paraphernalia or missing prescription drugs. If you have a son or daughter who you think is being affected by drug use, here are some tips to allow you to support them and to encourage them to communicate effectively with you about illegal drugs: • Gather information to make sure you understand about the drug/s you think they may be taking. Reflect on their situation so you can organise your thoughts and have a clear idea of what it is that worries you about their drug use. • Arrange a suitable time to talk where you will have some privacy and won’t be interrupted. • Ask if they are using drugs; don’t make assumptions that they are using. • Behavioural changes are a good starting point for discussion, for example “I noticed you haven’t been yourself lately…”. • Be prepared for a negative reaction. One reason for this may be because they don’t view their drug use as a problem. Be sure to stay calm and reasonable. Don’t let it turn into an argument. • Don’t be judgemental or tell themwhat to do. When people are having a hard time, the last thing they need is a lecture. Be sure to listen and express your concerns in a supportive non-confrontational manner. If nothing seems to be working , then seeking professional help may be the next step . You can consult your GP or a counsellor . If you feel like you can ’ t handle the situation alone , you don ’ t have to . Get support from a friend , relative or health professional .