Illegal Drugs - Parent Booklet

Illegal Drugs - The Facts 9 For more information see • Don’t focus on the reasons for why they are using drugs as this can be counterproductive. • Use statements including “I” as this doesn’t put the blame on them. Instead of saying “You make me feel worried when you use drugs” say something like “I feel worried about your drug use”. • Let them know you care about them and remind them of their good qualities. Young people will be more likely to listen and take advice on board if they feel valued and respected. • Be trustworthy and supportive so they know that they can rely on you in a time of need, and that what they tell you is kept confidential. • Let them know that change is possible but it may take time , so don’t try to set deadlines for them as people will be less ready to change when they are being forced. • If someone does not want to change, encourage them to learn how to reduce their risk of harm until they’re ready to quit. Let them know you are available to talk in the future . • At the back of this booklet you can find a list of places available to help people of all ages with any drug issues.