Illegal Drugs - Student Booklet

8 This just involves continually saying “no” in the politest possible way. You just say it over and over again and never change your tune. E.g. Sam: Come with me tonight. Jess: No thanks, I don’t really want to go to a club. Sam: Just this once. Jess: No thanks, not even this once. Sam: But you’re normally such fun. Jess: Not tonight. No thanks. Sam: Go on, you’re my best friend. Jess: Yeah, but no thanks, I don’t feel like going tonight. option 5 : be a ‘ broken record ’ The following is an example of assertive communication: Tom: Just have one pill, your parents won’t know. Katie: No thanks, I don’t want to risk it. They probably won’t find out but if they do I’ll be grounded for life. Showing this understanding makes it very difficult for people to keep trying to exert pressure. There will still be the odd person who will keep trying, but most people will stop. If you’re comfortable with your decision not to use drugs, that will come across in your body language. Usually people will see that it’s a waste of their time and will drop the subject pretty quickly. This can be achieved by: • Keeping a clear firm voice, speaking clearly and deliberately • Maintaining eye contact • Facing the person with your body so that you do not look like you are hiding • Having a facial expression that says what you mean