Illegal Drugs - Teacher Booklet

Illegal Drugs - The Facts 15 For more information see Drug education and prevention programs are generally designed for use in a particular setting and for a specific audience. The school environment is an ideal setting due to the developmental stage of the students, ease of access to the students, and the role teachers play in the lives of students. The audience for these programs can be universal (for the general population) or selective (targeted to specific groups at higher risk of drug use). Below is a summary of drug education and prevention programs which have been evaluated and shown to have positive outcomes in Australia. These programs contain activities, information, and ideas to help your students learn about drugs and related harms. evidence - based drug education programs : australia Program Climate Schools: Alcohol Module Targeted Drugs Alcohol Student Year Level Year 8 Level of Intervention Universal Origin Australia Culturally adaptable - has been implemented in the United Kingdom Format Curriculum-based online program Conducted in classrooms (teacher administered): Involves: 6 x 45 minute lessons, each with two components: 1) A 15 minute computer-based component 2) Teacher delivered classroom activities Booster sessions available (see next page) Training: No teacher training required Program Effects 1 Increases alcohol knowledge Reduces alcohol consumption Reduces binge drinking Available The Climate Schools programs are available through: 1 All program effects listed have been demonstrated in clinical trials with Australian school populations.