Illegal Drugs - Teacher Booklet

16 Program Climate Schools: Alcohol and Cannabis Module Targeted Drugs Alcohol and cannabis Student Year Level Year 8 or 9 Level of Intervention Universal Origin Australia Culturally adaptable - implemented in the United Kingdom Format Curriculum-based online program Conducted in classrooms (teacher administered): Involves: 6 x 45 minute lessons, each with two components: 1) A 15 minute computer-based component 2) Teacher delivered classroom activities Ideally delivered 6 months to 1 year after the Climate Schools: Alcohol Module Booster sessions available (see below) Training : No teacher training required Program Effects 1 Increases alcohol and cannabis knowledge Reduces frequency of binge drinking Increases resistance to peer pressure Reduces frequency of cannabis use Reduces alcohol consumption Reduces truancy Reduces psychological distress Available The Climate Schools programs are available through: Program Climate Schools: Psychostimulant and Cannabis Module Targeted Drugs Cannabis and psychostimulants Student Year Level Year 9 or 10 Level of Intervention Universal Origin Australia Format Curriculum-based online program Conducted in classrooms (teacher administered): Involves: 6 x 45 minute lessons, each with two components: 1) A 15 minute computer-based component 2) Teacher delivered classroom activities Ideally delivered 6 months to 1 year after the Climate Schools: Alcohol and Cannabis Module Training: No teacher training required Program Effects 1 Increases knowledge of cannabis and psychostimulants Decreases pro-drug attitudes Reduces cannabis use frequency in female students Decreasing students’ intentions to use meth/amphetamine and ecstasy in the future Subduing the uptake and plateauing the frequency of ecstasy use Available The Climate Schools programs are available through: