Illegal Drugs - Teacher Booklet

Illegal Drugs - The Facts 17 For more information see Program SHAHRP: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project Targeted Drugs Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis Student Year Level Year 8 and 9 Level of Intervention Universal Origin Australia Culturally adaptable - has been replicated in Northern Ireland and Brazil Format Curriculum-based program Conducted in classrooms over two years (teacher administered): Involves: Phase 1 (Year 8): 8 x 60 minute lessons Phase 2 (Year 9): 5 x 50 minute lessons and a DVD Training: Two days teacher training required prior to each phase Program Effects 1 Delays and reduces the rate of growth in alcohol use Reduces alcohol-related harm Available The SHAHRP programmaterials are available via: 1 All program effects listed have been demonstrated in clinical trials with Australian school populations. Program Smoking Cessation for Youth Project (SCYP) Targeted Drugs Tobacco Student Year Level Year 9 and 10 Level of Intervention Universal Origin Australia Format Curriculum-based program Conducted in classrooms (teacher administered): Involves: 8 x 1 hour lessons administered over two years Training: Half a day teacher training required Program Effects 1 Reduces frequency of tobacco smoking Reduces recent use of tobacco smoking Available For more information on SCYP: