Illegal Drugs - Teacher Booklet

32 Once swallowed, benzodiazepines usually take about half an hour to start taking effect. The length of time the effects last for varies. Benzodiazepines are medications that may be prescribed for a range of problems, including anxiety and insomnia. They are usually prescribed in a tablet or capsule form and the most common is diazepam (Valium). Others include alprazolam (Xanax), and oxazepam (Serepax). If used as prescribed, benzodiazepines can be effective medications. However, there are risks, particularly if they’re not used properly, or are used regularly (e.g. daily) for more than a few weeks. Benzodiazepines are also known as benzos, downers, sleeping tablets, or sleeping pills. benzodiazepines Effects of benzodiazepines vary, but may include: what are they ? effects of benzodiazepines Obtaining benzodiazepines without a prescription from a doctor is illegal . immediate long term • Decreased heart rate • Drowsiness and sedation • Shallow breathing • A feeling of calmness • Confusion • Loss of balance and coordination • Dizziness • Slurred speech • Blurred vision • Blackouts • Overdose • Dependence (addiction) • In dependent users, suddenly stopping use can cause fatal seizures. People wishing to stop should seek advice from their GP