Illegal Drugs - Teacher Booklet

38 More information and sources of help It takes a lot for someone to admit they may have a problem with drugs, but it’s the first step to overcoming it. Your students may find it easier to talk to an external source for help or for information on drugs. There are a number of places available to help young people and adults with drug-related issues or provide general information: POSITIVE CHOICES Positive Choices is an online drug education portal that provides evidence-based information & prevention resources for school staff, young people & their parents. kids help Line Kids Help Line telephone, web and email counselling is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to children and young people of Australia aged between 5–25 years of age. Phone: 1800 55 1800 reach out This website has information about drugs, where to seek help, how to help a friend, and many other youth related issues. headspace Headspace provides information and counselling services with anything to do with alcohol, drugs, education, employment and general or mental health. It’s for 12-25 year olds and has centres all around Australia. lifeline A 24-hour phone and online counselling service designed to help anyone through all problems. Phone: 13 11 14 sane Sane has a helpline and website that provides information and support for mental health issues. Phone: 1800 18 7263