Illegal Drugs - Teacher Booklet

8 talking to a young person about illegal drugs Students might feel more comfortable talking about their personal issues with a trusted teacher, than with a parent, and teachers trained in dealing with drug problems might have a better chance of assisting a student in obtaining necessary resources or medical referrals. When suspecting drug use, duty of care procedures must be followed. Only the appropriate school committee should be notified, and as schools will have different reporting and referral procedures it is important to be aware of these and respond accordingly. Illegal drugs are associated with many short and long-term harms. These relate not just to how much someone is using, but also how much their use affects their life and the lives of those around them. If you a think student or someone else is affected by drug use, here are some tips to allow you to support them and communicate effectively with them about their drug use: • Gather information to make sure you understand about the drug/s you think they may be taking. Reflect on their situation so you can organise your thoughts and have a clear idea of what it is that concerns you about their drug use. • Arrangeasuitabletimetotalk whereyouwillhavesome privacyandwon’tbeinterrupted. • Ask about their drug use; don’t make assumptions that they are using. • Behavioural changes are a good starting point for discussion, for example “I noticed you haven’t been yourself lately…”. • Be prepared for a negative reaction . One reason for this may be because they do not view their drug use as a problem. Be sure to stay calm and reasonable. Don’t let it turn into an argument. • Don’t be judgemental or tell them what to do . When people are having a hard time, the last thing theyneed is a lecture. Be sure to listen andexpress your concerns ina supportive non-confrontational manner. • Don’t focus on the reasons for why they are using drugs as this can be counterproductive. • Use statements including “I” as this doesn’t put the blame on them. Instead of saying “You make me feel worried when you use drugs” say something like “I feel worried about your drug use”. If nothing seems to be working , then seeking professional help may be the next step . You can consult the school counsellor who will be able to support you in your efforts to communicate with a student .