Above: Jenna Lee (Larrakia artist, Gilimbaa)
Bree (13 years), QLD
In a teenager’s life, one of the biggest influences on how they act have to do with what is going on in their home. Living in a home where drinking, smoking and drugs is taken place is not healthy for them. I have grown up in a home where my parents and family do not drink heavily, smoke or do drugs and I know I want to follow them in this way. I have read many stories about accidents that have happened while being under the influence on the three addictive hazards and I know I do not want to be in this situation myself. The reason why I choose not to drink, smoke or do drugs now is that I know it is bad for my health and not only can it affect me now but affect my future as well. I also never want to be in a situation when I am being the victim from someone under the influence of one of these things.
Being in a healthy environment for me is not only staying clear of smoking, drinking or drugs but also keep physically, mentally and emotionally fit for myself. Drinking can lead to mental health issues, slurring, black outs, cancers, eye damage and many more things. Smoking can lead to heart, liver and lung cancers and drugs can make you physically and mentally weak. As a proud Aboriginal person, I want to present well for all the Aboriginal people even the ones who are not as strong enough to fight against the unhealthy choices they make. I want more people to be strong with the choices they make and say no to drugs, smoking and drinking because they are not going to help anyone in life.
If you are someone who wants a good career when you are older then why risk that for something that is not going make you feel good in the end. Being the healthiest person I can be is my goal in life and helping people who are struggling to do this is something I will do. Making sure people who are capable of being in a safe environment can do so.
Thanks for your time on reading why I do not want to do drugs, smoking or drinking.