Drug Education Parent Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 11 If your teenager is attending a party or gathering, ring the hosting parent and talk to them about the event. Below are some examples of questions you might ask. WILL THERE BE ALCOHOL AT THE PARTY? ● If the answer is yes, let the parents know whether your teenager will still be attending the party and whether or not you give permission for your teenager to drink alcohol. WHAT SUPERVISION WILL BE PROVIDED? ● Ask the hosting parents about their plan for supervising the party, such as howmany adults will be there. Make sure you are satisfied with this level of supervision. If you can help supervise, offer this to the parents. WHAT TIME WILL THE PARTY START AND FINISH? ● Ask the hosts for a clear start and end time. This will help you monitor transport to and from the party and know where your teenager is if you are not taking them yourself. ● Plan with your teenager how they will get home after the party, and make sure they have a safe option. EXCHANGE CONTACT NUMBERS ● Save the phone number of the hosting parents in case you need to contact them during the party and ask them to save your number as well. IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE ALL RISKS WHEN IT COMES TO TEENAGE PARTIES. HOWEVER, BY DISCUSSING THE PARTY WITH YOUR TEEN AND THE HOST PARENTS, YOUR TEENAGER IS MORE LIKELY TO HAVE A SAFE AND FUN TIME WITH THEIR PEERS.