Drug Education Parent Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 15 1. Information is correct as of August 2019. Updated guidelines can be found at resus.org.au/guidelines/ D Check for DANGER ● First ensure that your safety is not at risk. ● If your safety is assured and the person is in danger move them out of the dangerous situation. R Check for RESPONSE ● Ask them their name or to open their eyes. ● If they respond, help to make them comfortable and continue to monitor their response. ● If you don’t get a response, or they stop responding, send for help. S SEND for help ● If you receive no response call 000 for an ambulance. ● If you are on your own with the person, first place them in the recovery position (see next page) and then call 000. ● If you know what drugs the person has taken tell the operator and ambulance officers. A Open the AIRWAYS ● If the airway is not clear, place them in the recovery position and open and clear the airway. ● If the airway is clear, leave on back, then tilt the head backwards and lift the chin. B Check for BREATHING ● Look and feel for chest movements. Listen for breathing from airways. ● If they are breathing, place them in the recovery position and monitor until ambulance arrives. ● If the person is not breathing, place the person on their back, pinch their nose closed, seal your lips over their mouth and give two initial breaths, ensuring that the chest rises with each breath. C CPR If they are still not breathing, commence CPR until the ambulance services arrive. ● Place one hand on top of the other, palms facing down, over the centre of the chest. ● Compress the chest one-third of the depth, 30 times, at a rate of two per second. ● Give 2 breaths for every 30 chest compressions (mouth to mouth can be considered unnecessary). ● Continue CPR until: ● signs of life return; ● qualified help arrives; or ● it is impossible to continue (e.g. exhaustion). D Attach an automated external DEFIBRILLATOR if available and follow the prompts. DRS-ABCD: BASIC LIFE SUPPORT FLOW CHART 1