Drug Education Parent Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 9 2. EXPRESS CONCERNS BUT AVOID BEING JUDGEMENTAL OR CONFRONTATIONAL ● The conversation will be most effective if you avoid judging or lecturing. This can be really hard. But you are more likely to get through to the young person if you have a two-way conversation. Let them know you care about them. People are more likely to listen if they feel valued and respected. ● Try to use statements which include “I” as this doesn’t put the blame on them. Instead of saying “You make me feel worried when you use this drug” say something like “I feel worried about your drug use”. ● Listen and express your concerns in a supportive and non-confrontational manner. 3. COMMUNICATE THAT CHANGE IS POSSIBLE, BUT CAN TAKE SOME TIME ● Let them know you are available to talk in the future. This first conversation is a first step in an ongoing conversation about drug and alcohol use, and it is important that your teenager knows they can talk about it again. ● Be aware that your teenager may not believe their drug and alcohol use is dangerous. They may become upset or angered when you talk about it. A negative reaction does not mean the conversation was futile – it may take some time for them to process what has been said. ● Communicate that there is effective help available to help people reduce or stop their drug or alcohol use. ● If they do not want to change, encourage them to learn how to reduce their risk of harm . 4. LOOK AFTER YOURSELF Supporting your teenager in this process can be extremely challenging, and it is important to look after yourself too. ● Remember you can’t force them to change. Only they can take steps to cut down or stop their use. ● Take time out for your own needs and hobbies. ● Get support by speaking to trusted friends and attending events or support groups in your community. ● If you need more support for you or your teenager there are services available. See page 37 of this booklet for a list of places that can help you to get the support you need.