Drug Education Student Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 15 HOW TO HELP A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER WITH THEIR DRUG OR ALCOHOL USE Are you worried about a friend or someone you know who is using drugs? Here are some tips about how to support them and talk to them about it: ● Gather information about the drug you think your friend may be taking. ● Have a clear idea of what it is that worries you about them taking drugs. ● Choose a time to talk where you will have some privacy and won’t be interrupted. ● Be prepared for a negative reaction. Your friend or family member might not see their drug use as a problem. ● Try to stay calm and reasonable. Don’t let it turn into an argument. ● Don’t be judgemental or tell them what to do. If you start lecturing them, there’s a good chance they will stop listening. ● Ask about their drug use; don’t make assumptions about what they are doing or taking. ● Don’t focus on the reasons they are using drugs – this can mean you get side tracked from the main issues that concern you. ● Use statements including “I” as this doesn’t put the blame on them. So instead of saying “You make me feel worried when you use drugs” say something like “I feel worried about your drug use”.