Drug Education Student Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 27 All forms of methamphetamine can be ‘cut’ (mixed) with other substances, which reduce the purity. Sometimes these other substances can also be harmful. Ice or crystal usually gives a stronger high and lasts longer, but also has stronger negative side effects. EFFECTS OF METHAMPHETAMINE Methamphetamine takes effect quickly. The effects can last between 4 and 12 hours, and it can take 1-2 days for the drug to completely leave the body. Effects of methamphetamine vary, but may include: Methamphetamine is also known as shabu, Tina, glass, meth, pure, point, P, wax or goey. IMMEDIATE LONG TERM ● Increased heart rate and blood pressure ● Dilated (enlarged) pupils ● Increased energy ● Feeling of euphoria (a ‘high’) ● Aggressive behaviour ● Trembling ● Bad headaches and dizziness ● A comedown* ● Insomnia ● Stomach cramps ● Reduced appetite ● Blurred vision ● Anxiety and panic attacks ● Dependence* ● Dental problems ● Heart, kidney and lung problems ● Malnutrition and exhaustion ● Mental health problems (such as depression and anxiety) ● If injected there is an increased risk of infections like Hepatitis C and HIV ● Paranoia and psychosis* ● Stroke FORM USUAL APPEARCANCE POTENCY USED BY Crystal ('Ice') Translucent crystals, sometimes shards Medium to high; normally the most potent form Smoking, injecting Base White to brown thick oily substance Medium to high Swallowing, injecting Speed White or off-white powder Low to medium Snorting, swallowing, injecting WHAT IS IT? Methamphetamine comes in three main forms: “I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT ICE WAS UNTIL MY SCHOOL FRIEND’S LIFE FELL APART... ICE WAS ALWAYS VIEWED AS THE MOST EXTREME DRUG, AND SOMETHING THAT ALMOST ALL MY PEERS WOULD NOT TOUCH. HOWEVER, THE RARE FEW DID, AND THEY COMPLETELY CHANGED...” - ALEX † † Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. * See Glossary on page 36 METHAMPHETAMINE