Drug Education Student Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 7 MAKING CHOICES There is no single reason why people use drugs and alcohol. Usually several things act in combination. Influences include: ● To fit in/feel part of a group ● To forget problems ● To escape reality ● To loosen up ● To be rebellious ● Out of curiosity ● Out of boredom ● To feel more sociable ● To try and have fun and feel happy ● A belief that everyone else is doing it Although it varies from person to person, situations where you have to disagree with others or refuse something can sometimes feel awkward and difficult to handle. Here are a few options you can take that will help you deal with situations where you may be inclined or pressured to use drugs and alcohol: IT MAY HELP TO KNOW THAT BY NOT USING DRUGS YOU ARE IN THE MAJORITY AS MOST YOUNG PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA DO NOT USE ILLEGAL DRUGS AND HAVE NEVER HAD A FULL SERVE OF ALCOHOL. OPTION 1: AVOID SITUATIONS OPTION 2: MAKE AN EXCUSE OPTION 3: WALK AWAY OPTION 4: BE ASSERTIVE OPTION 5: BE A ‘BROKEN RECORD’