Drug Education Student Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 9 If you’re comfortable with your decision not to use drugs, that will come across in your body language. Usually people will see that it’s a waste of their time and will drop the subject pretty quickly. This can be achieved by: ● Keeping a clear firm voice, speaking clearly and deliberately ● Maintaining eye contact ● Facing the person with your body so that you do not look like you are hiding ● Having a facial expression that says what you mean OPTION 5: BE A ‘BROKEN RECORD’ This just involves continually saying ‘no’ in the politest possible way. You just say it over and over again and never change your tune, for example: Sam: Come with me tonight. Jess: No thanks, I don’t really want to go to a club. Sam: Just this once. Jess: No thanks, not even this once. Sam: But you’re normally such fun. Jess: Not tonight. No thanks. Sam: Go on, you’re my best friend. Jess: Yeah, but no thanks, I don’t feel like going tonight.