Drug Education Teacher Booklet
16 PROGRAM Preventure TARGETED DRUGS Alcohol and illegal drugs STUDENT YEAR LEVEL Year 8 or 9 LEVEL OF INTERVENTION Selective (high–risk students) ORIGIN United Kingdom Culturally adaptable – has been implemented in Australia and Canada FORMAT Program administered by a trained facilitator and co-facilitator in classrooms. Facilitators can be trained education professionals (e.g. teachers) or clinical psychologists. Involves: A short questionnaire to identify high-risk students 2 x 90 minute group sessions Student and teacher manuals are provided Training: 2-3 day training workshop PROGRAM EFFECTS Reduced alcohol consumption Reduced frequency of alcohol use Reduced binge drinking Delayed initiation of alcohol use and binge drinking Reduced uptake of alcohol and binge drinking Reduced alcohol-related harms Delayed initiation of cannabis use Reduced frequency of cannabis use Reduced uptake and frequency of illegal drug use Reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety and conduct problems AVAILABLE The Preventure program is available via: positivechoices.org.au/teachers/preventure
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