Drug Education Teacher Booklet
For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 17 EVIDENCE-BASED DRUG AND ALCOHOL EDUCATION PROGRAMS: INTERNATIONAL Below is a summary of a number of drug education programs, which have been evaluated and shown positive outcomes in Europe and the USA. These programs contain activities, information and ideas to help your students learn about drugs and alcohol and related harms. PROGRAM eCheckup To Go TARGETED DRUGS Alcohol and cannabis STUDENT YEAR LEVEL Years 9-12 LEVEL OF INTERVENTION Universal ORIGIN USA FORMAT The check-up is a single 30-minute session involving assessment of current use, followed by personalised feedback. Training: No teacher involvement is required. PROGRAM EFFECTS Reduced pro-alcohol beliefs Reduced drinking frequency Reduced alcohol-related harms AVAILABLE eCheckup To Go is available via: echeckuptogo.com PROGRAM Botvin LifeSkills Training Program TARGETED DRUGS Tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs STUDENT YEAR LEVEL Years 3-12 LEVEL OF INTERVENTION Universal ORIGIN USA FORMAT Curriculum-based program Conducted in classrooms (teacher administered) Involves: Year 3/4/5/6: 8 class sessions Year 6/7: 15 x 40 minute class sessions Year 7/8: 10 x 40 minute booster sessions Year 8/9: 5 x 40 minute booster sessions Training: Teacher training provided in manual. PROGRAM EFFECTS Increased knowledge of smoking risk and prevalence Reduced alcohol, marijuana and methamphetamine use Reduced polydrug use Reduced prescription drug abuse (opioids) Reduced student aggression and deliquency AVAILABLE The Botvin Lifeskills Training Program is available via: lifeskillstraining.com
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