Drug Education Teacher Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 23 IMMEDIATE LONG TERM ● Increased heart rate and chest pains ● Drowsiness, passing out, blackouts or memory loss ● Blurred vision ● Feeling relaxed ● Feeling of euphoria (a ‘high’) ● Lethargy ● Hot/cold flushes ● Heavy sweating ● Confusion and agitation ● Nausea and vomiting ● Headaches and dizziness ● Tremors or shaking ● Difficulty breathing ● Overdose ● Seizures ● Coma ● Little is known about the long- term effects of GHB WHAT IS IT? GHB is short for gamma-hydroxybutyrate. It is almost always sold as a clear or blue odourless liquid, usually in a small vial such as a fish-shaped soy sauce container and it’s normally swallowed. Problems with safety, including concerns about drink spiking and sexual assault, have led to it being classified as an illegal drug. Sometimes other substances called GBL and 1,4B are sold as GHB because they have similar effects but may be stronger (increasing the risk of overdose) or more toxic. Although it is sometimes referred to as liquid ecstasy or liquid E, it is not related to ecstasy at all. GHB is also known as fantasy, grievous bodily harm, GBH, liquid E, G, or Gina. EFFECTS OF GHB Once swallowed, GHB takes around 15-30 minutes to take effect and the effects last for approximately half an hour. Effects of GHB vary, but may include: GHB