Drug Education Teacher Booklet

For more information see positivechoices.org.au Drugs & Alcohol: What You Need to Know 5 DRUG AND ALCOHOL PREVENTION WHY IS DRUG AND ALCOHOL PREVENTION IMPORTANT? The harms associated with drugs and alcohol, including accidents, injury and violence, are particularly high for young people. Drugs and alcohol can also interfere with the developing adolescent brain. Therefore, the National Health and Medical Research Council advises that for young people under the age of 15, it is particularly important that they do not consume alcohol. For 15 to 17-year-olds the safest option is to delay the consumption of alcohol for as long as possible. Substance use problems often begin during adolescence, and research shows that the earlier a young person starts to use drugs and alcohol, the more likely they will experience various negative outcomes. These include poor school performance and early drop out, an increased risk of other mental health problems, dependency, and an increased likelihood of juvenile offending. This highlights the need for effective prevention in adolescence to protect young people from these associated harms. The good news is that effective prevention can have significant benefits. For every year we can delay the use of alcohol for a young person, the odds of developing alcohol dependence are significantly reduced. WHAT ARE THE RISK AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS THAT ARE TARGETED IN PREVENTION? There are a number of influences that have shown to increase risk for, or protect against, adolescent drug use. Risk and protective factors that are modifiable are important targets for prevention. Risk factors include drug use or approval by parents or peers, disengagement with school, and poor family communication and bonding. On the other hand, time spent with peers who do not use drugs or alcohol, a sense of self-efficacy, parental rules and monitoring and family bonding and communication have shown to be protective against adolescent drug use. On pages 13-18 you will find summaries of evidence-based drug and alcohol education and prevention programs that target these known risk and protective factors. 12.7% OF YOUNG AUSTRALIANS MEET CRITERIA FOR A SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER.