Looking for specific resources?

Resources on Positive Choices are organised by type, such as factsheets, videos and apps.
On this page, you can click on any of these sections to find resources of a particular type.
For more information about what each resource type is, please see our Getting Started guide.

SHAHRP: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project

Classroom program focused on helping students develop skills to reduce alcohol-related harms.

OurFutures: Cannabis & Psychostimulant Module

Curriculum-based program featuring engaging cartoons to prevent harm from cannabis, MDMA/ecstasy & methamphetamine "Ice"

"Party Drugs"/MDMA/Ecstasy: Factsheet

Learn about the varied short and long-term effects of taking MDMA/Ecstasy, and the risks involved with its consumption.

Alcohol: Factsheet

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in Australia. Learn about the effects and risks associated with drinking alcohol.

Cannabis: Factsheet

Cannabis can affect the body and mind. Learn about the different immediate and long-term effects of using cannabis.

Drug and Alcohol Education: Student Booklet

Get the facts about illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in the hard copy or online version of this booklet.

School-based drug and alcohol prevention: What works?

An overview of what works, and doesn't work, in terms of drug & alcohol prevention in the classroom.

Why do young people use drugs and alcohol?

Explore some of the reasons and how to respond.

Effects of Cannabis on the Teenage Brain

A short animated video about the effects of cannabis on the developing brain.

Under Construction: Alcohol and the teenage Brain

Learn how alcohol affects brain development.

Respect Your Brain: the effect of drugs on the developing brain

This animated video series for young people explores the effects of alcohol, cannabis and MDMA on the adolescent brain.


Game where students learn about the harms of e-cigarettes & other tobacco products whilst trying to fit in at school.

Pure Rush: Drug Education Game

Fun, arcade-style game to educate students about drug effects and potential harms.

Mouse Party

Students explore the brains of mice affected by drugs to understand the impact.

Webinar: Preventure; a brief, personality-targeted intervention to improve wellbeing and reduce behavioural problems in secondary school students

This webinar provides an overview of the Preventure program, the program's evidence, and details on Preventure training.

Webinar: What do we know about adolescent cannabis use? Prevalence, harms and interventions

This webinar looks at the prevalence of cannabis use, trends in its use and associated harms and possible interventions.

Webinar: School based, culturally inclusive alcohol and other drug prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth

This webinar discusses Strong & Deadly Futures; an Aboriginal and Torres Strait substance use prevention program.

Investigating Advertising Tactics: Class Activity

Students critically evaluate messages in advertising.

Decision-making and Problem-solving: Class Activity

Students learn to make decisions and solve problems.

Myths about alcohol: Class Activity

Students are challenged to separate myth from fact.

Drug Facts For Young People

This comic-book style app focuses on the decision-making process involved when confronted with drugs and alcohol.

Alcohol and Your Brain App

This app contains a 7 minute video and quiz about the effects of alcohol on the brain and body.

Cracks in the Ice

This app provides evidence-based & up-to-date resources about crystal methamphetamine (ice).