Term 4 2019 - Teachers
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The aim of this e-newsletter is to provide our subscribers with information about drug prevention resources, and to share relevant news, conferences and events.

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Dear *|FNAME|*,

Alcohol and other drug use peaks during adolescence, when the human brain is still maturing. The use of these drugs can thus interrupt the development of the teenage brain. Furthermore, drug use among teenagers can also lead to other negative impacts such as poor school performance and school dropout. It also increases the risk of drug dependency and mental illness during adulthood. The resources included in this newsletter will assist you in planning your drug and alcohol lessons, and to implement strategies to reduce harm related to drug and alcohol use among students. 
In this issue, we focus on the effects of alcohol and other drugs on the teenage brain. You will find:
Past Webinar: Alcohol, MDMA and Cannabis Use - Impact on the Adolescent Brain
Missed our latest webinar? 

This webinar is for teachers who are interested in understanding the effect of drugs on the adolescent brain. It explores the development of the adolescent brain and how this process is interrupted by the use of alcohol, MDMA and cannabis. Additionally, the webinar discusses strategies that parents and teachers can implement amongst teenagers, in order to reduce harm.
Substance Use and the Teenage Brain

Get the facts on alcohol

Research findings show that drinking alcohol during the teenage years can disrupt brain development. Read this factsheet to learn more about the effects of alcohol, current statistics on alcohol use and much more! 

Under construction: alcohol and the teenage brain

Ever wondered why drinking slows down speech, or makes people behave differently? Under Construction is an animation that takes you through the different parts of the brain and shows you what happens when alcohol is introduced.
This factsheet provides information on cannabis, its effects on the brain and body as well as the most recent statistics of cannabis use among adolescents.
Effects on cannabis on the teenage brain
This video shows how the brain develops, and highlights the effects of cannabis on different brain regions, as well as its impact on behaviour. 
The Reconstructors: Nothing to Rave About
In this fun and interactive game, players help solve drug-related cases whilst learning about how MDMA/ecstasy and other "party drugs" affect the brain and body. 
Mouse Party
This game is an interactive learning experience where players take a look inside the brains of mice that are under the influence of different drugs. A fun resource to share with your students!
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources
Grog Brain Story
Grog Brain Story is a video which provides an overview of how alcohol affects the brain and explores various themes such as social consequences and support-seeking. This video is also available in Warlpiri and Kriol. 
Mythbusters: Let's have a yarn about alcohol and drugs
It’s important to understand the realities of who actually uses drugs and alcohol. This factsheet dispels some myths you might have heard about alcohol and drugs.
Check out our website for more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources and follow Positive Choices Facebook or Twitter for the latest updates!
Other News

We're looking for expressions of interest from schools to hear about an upcoming research trial to evaluate the effectiveness of Strong & Deadly futures.

If your school is interested in participating or would like updates on the initiative, please visit https://strongdeadly.org.au/  or contact info@strongdeadly.org.au.

Strong & Deadly Futures is the first school-based alcohol and drug prevention program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students that is culturally inclusive, incorporates cultural strengths and focuses on empowerment of the students.

The program combines illustrated story lines with interactive classroom activities. It is currently being developed and trialed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous high school students around the country.

Events and Conferences
If you're attending the Youth Health Conference in Melbourne, make sure you catch up with the Positive Choices team! 

Something you'd like to see on Positive Choices that isn't there? We welcome ideas for new content, so send us an email at info@positivechoices.org.au, and we'll look into it.
Copyright © 2019 Positive Choices, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you attended one of our webinars or subscribed to the Positive Choices quarterly newsletter. 

Our mailing address is:
Positive Choices
The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use
at the University of Sydney, NSW 2006
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