Drug and Alcohol Information
Get informed, stay smart, stay safe
A database of evidence-based alcohol and drug education resources.
By default results that have the highest evidence rating, and are Australia-based, are displayed first.
Try and fit into a new school whilst avoiding peer pressure and the negative harms of smoking and vaping
Learn about the immediate and long-term effects of kava consumption.
Accurate, up-to-date, evidence-based information about Ketamine: What it is, its associated risks, effects and dangers.
How much caffeine is safe? Learn about the immediate and long-term risks of heavy caffeine and energy drink consumption.
This app provides evidence-based & up-to-date resources about crystal methamphetamine (ice).
How to avoid drink spiking and what to do if your drink is spiked.
Get the facts about illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in the hard copy or online version of this booklet.
This video is from the ABC's Catalyst program, and explores the dangers of energy drinks.
This video gives suggestions for what to do if you are concerned about a friend or family member's drinking habits.
Be prepared for the unpredictable nature of drugs: Learn what to look for and how to help in a drug-related emergency.
Learn how to be assertive, deal with pressure from friends and make your own decisions about alcohol and drugs.
Learn how media and marketing can influence alcohol, cigarette, and e-cigarette use, and what we can do about it
Learn how many standard drinks are in common glasses by filling the glass to one standard drink.
This video was co-designed with Aboriginal young people and covers the effects of smoking and provides tips to quit.
Student version: Think Smart is an Indigenous Australian hip-hop video about alcohol and how it affects communities.
This webinar looks at the prevalence of cannabis use, trends in its use and associated harms and possible interventions.
A simple animation for very young children that increases awareness of medicines and possible poisons around the house.
Pull back the curtain on where drugs such as cannabis, LSD, cocaine and heroin come from, and how they affect your mind.
Hear why Adele Maree chooses not to vape, and learn where to find evidence-based resources
This resource is currently under evaluation.
Below you will find a list of useful drug education resources. You can filter these according to your needs using the filters on the left hand side. See Getting Started for more information about how to use this site.
Learn about the effects and risks of inhalants: substances that are sniffed or breathed in through the nose or mouth.
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