
With and Without (Alcohol)

side by side of student rest head on desk and then looking alert in 2nd image
Targeted Drugs: ,

This resource has undergone expert review.

Year 7–8, Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Time Allocated

Partial lesson (under 45mins)





Content Especially Suited For

Culturally & Linguistically Diverse


This video is available on YouTube.

Watch 'With and Without'



Video length: 1:27

This short video provides information about the effects of alcohol by showing two alternative scenarios in a day in the life of a student. The first version shows the student after drinking alcohol and the second after not drinking. The video was a collaboration between developers of the “Linked Up” health and wellbeing program for culturally and linguistically diverse students  and youth from a high school in South-West Sydney. The video’s message is highly relevant as alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs among Australian youth. The video can be used as a conversation starting point around the physical and mental effects of alcohol use. Students were involved in every part of the video process and the youth featured in the video are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Expected Benefits

  • Increased knowledge of alcohol-related health effects and harms.
  • Increased knowledge of alcohol-related social effects and harms.

Evidence Base

Expert Review*:
The video was developed by a credible and respected organisation who are experts in multicultural drug and alcohol issues. It is highly relevant to the cultural context of Australia and has been developed using best-practice co-design methodologies working together with students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Whilst the effectiveness of the video itself has not been tested, information provided in the video about the effects of alcohol align with the evidence base regarding what is known about alcohol.   

* Review provided by researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney.

Page last reviewed: 9/01/2025

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