Q & A

Q & A for General

Do you have a question not answered here? Please contact us about what you want to see here.

  • Q: Does Positive Choices make a difference?

    As at December 2024, the Positive Choices portal and resources had been accessed by over 4.2 million unique users, spanning 221 different countries. Hard copy resources were distributed to >3,000 schools across Australia in 2014 and 2020.

    The impact of Positive Choices on user behaviour has been examined in multiple evaluations. The most recent study, published in a 2022 paper, reported results from a small sub-sample of Australian school staff (n = 73) and parents (n = 127). The findings showed changes in behavioural intentions after interacting with Positive Choices.

    School Staff:

    • 89% (34/38) of those who were not already implementing evidence-based alcohol and other drug (AOD) prevention resources intended to after using Positive Choices.
    • 90% (19/21) of school staff who were not already communicating the risks and effects of AOD to their students planned to start.
    • 81% (17/21) of school staff who were not already correcting student misperceptions about AOD use intended to commence this after viewing the Positive Choices website.


    • 92% (36/39) of those who were not already having explicit conversations about AOD with their children planned to do so after using Positive Choices.
    • 83% (39/47) of parents who were not already correcting misconceptions about AOD use being the norm planned to implement this behaviour after using Positive Choices.
    • 86% (39/47) of parents who were not already doing so reported that they will monitor their children’s whereabouts more closely. · Most parents in the survey were already avoiding supplying alcohol to their children (103/127, 81.1%). Of those who were not doing this, 38% (9/24) reported that they would avoid supplying alcohol after viewing resources on Positive Choices.
    • Most parents reported that they have already adapted their own AOD use to model appropriate behaviour for their children (87/127, 68.5%), and of the remaining parents, 45% (18/40) planned to modify their behaviour after using Positive Choices.


    1. Google Analytics Report, retrieved  09/01/25.

    2. Stapinski, L. A., Nepal, S., Guckel, T., Grummitt, L. R., Chapman, C., Lynch, S. J., Lawler, S. M., Teesson, M., & Newton, N. C. (2022). Evaluation of Positive Choices, a National Initiative to Disseminate Evidence-Based Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Strategies: Web-Based Survey Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting5(3), e34721. https://doi.org/10.2196/34721



  • Q: What do the evidence ratings mean?

    To help you evaluate the resources listed on the Positive Choices portal, we provide information about who developed the resources (under "Developers"), and the evidence that supports the resource (under "Evidence Base"). This information will help you to assess the strength of the evidence supporting the resource.

    We also provide our own “Evidence Rating” as a shortcut. The guide to the evidence ratings and icons is provided below:

    Medal icons indicate that there is evidence (either from research or peer review) to support the resource. Resources with the strongest evidence rating (platinum medal) are those with the most evidence to support their effectiveness.

    Platinum medal: This resource has been tested in schools and shown to change student’s alcohol and drug use behaviour and/or associated harm[1]. This is supported by multiple randomised controlled trials. A systematic review across multiple programs has concluded there is good evidence of program effectiveness.

    Gold medal: This resource has been tested in schools and shown to change student’s alcohol and drug use behaviour and/or associated harm[1]. This is supported by multiple (2+) published research studies.

    Silver medal: This resource has been tested in schools and shown to change student’s drug use behaviour and/or associated harm[1]. This is supported by only 1 published research study.

    Bronze medal (factsheet): This factsheet was informed by the current research and has undergone expert review. Bronze is the highest possible rating for a factsheet, because it provides information but doesn’t directly target alcohol and drug use behaviour and/or associated harm. However, applying the strategies and advice in this factsheet may lead to changes in teenagers’ alcohol and drug use behaviour and/or associated harm. To learn more about changing behaviour check out  our recommended programs and School-based drug and alcohol prevention: What works?

    Bronze medal (resource): This resource has undergone expert review in-house at the Matilda Centre, University of Sydney. The resource has been informed by evidence but has not been evaluated in a research trial to test whether the resource itself impacts on alcohol and drug use behaviour and/or associated harm. To learn more about changing behaviour check out our recommended programs and School-based drug and alcohol prevention: What works?

    [1] This can include increased knowledge.

  • Q: What does evidence-based mean?

    To say that a resource is “evidence-based” is to say that it is informed or supported by evidence. The evidence that supports or backs up a particular resource may take different forms.

    In the case of the factsheets listed on Positive Choices, “evidence-based” means that the information provided in these factsheets comes from a reliable information source, and is backed by research studies. For example, the "Party Drugs"/MDMA/Ecstasy factsheet was developed by a leading research institute (the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, formerly the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre). To develop the factsheet, researchers from this institute conducted a review of published research studies reporting on the patterns of use, effects and harms associated with the drug, ecstasy. This means we can be confident that the information is fact-based and accurate. 

    In the case of a school-based prevention program, “evidence-based” typically means that the benefits of the program have been tested in a research study. For example, the OurFutures: Alcohol & Cannabis Module is an evidence-based prevention program, because it has been tested and shown to have benefits in a randomised controlled trial. A randomised controlled trial is a study in which roughly half of the participants are randomly allocated to receive the program being tested (in this case, OurFutures), and the others are randomly allocated to receive a comparison program (in this case, standard drug education for NSW schools). By randomly allocating participants and comparing different approaches, this type of study design provides strong evidence. In this example we can say that OurFutures is an evidence-based program because students who received the program drank less and used cannabis less over the follow-up period compared to students who received standard drug education.

    The evidence-base for resources is important, as this helps us to judge how reliable and effective the resource is. Not all information on the internet is reliable and accurate. To help you evaluate the resources listed on the Positive Choices portal, we provide information about who developed the resources (under "Developers"), and the evidence that supports the resource (under "Evidence Base"). We also provide an “Evidence Rating” as a shortcut to help users assess the strength of the evidence supporting each resource.

    For more about the use of evidence-based practice in Education, we recommend the following paper: Hempenstall, K. (2006). What does evidence-based practice in education mean? Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 11, 83-92.

  • Q: How were resources selected for inclusion?

    The general process for selecting resources to be included in Positive Choices was as follows:

    1. A review of the research literature was conducted to identify potential resources. The Cochrane Library, Scopus, PsychINFO, PubMed and Medline databases were searched using specific keywords (e.g., School-based OR school* AND alcohol OR cannabis OR drugs OR ecstasy OR psychostimulants OR amphetamines). 
    2. Additional resources were identified through web searches using specific keywords (e.g., 'alcohol OR drug OR cannabis OR ecstasy’, AND ‘prevention OR education OR schools'), and scoping of national and international drug prevention sites and networks.
    3. Resources were independently reviewed by our team, and via consultation with teachers, parents and students, who provided feedback about the Positive Choices site and content.
    4. Only resources of high relevance and quality were selected for inclusion. For these resources, additional searches were conducted to collate the information required for listing on the portal. In cases where sufficient information could not be obtained, additional information was requested from the developers of the resource.

    Additional notes regarding selection of specific resource types are provided below:

    Recommended Programs:

    Drug prevention programs were identified through review of research publications. Programs developed in Australia and internationally were considered for inclusion. However, international programs were only included if the resources could be accessed and implemented in Australia. Programs were only included if benefits of delivering the program were demonstrated in at least one published study. The starting point for selection of resources was two systematic reviews conducted by researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use (formerly the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre):

    Champion, K. E., Newton, N. C., Barrett, E. L., & Teesson, M. (2013). A systematic review of school-based alcohol and other drug prevention programs facilitated by computers or the Internet. Drug and Alcohol Review, 32(2), 115-123.

    Teesson, M., Newton, N. C., & Barrett, E. L. (2012). Australian school-based prevention programs for alcohol and other drugs: A systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31(6), 731-736.


    Selection of educational games was informed by the following systematic review conducted by researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use (formerly the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre):

    Rodriguez, D. M., Teesson, M., & Newton, N. C. (2014). A systematic review of computerised serious educational games about alcohol and other drugs for adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33(2), 129-135

    Additional games were identified through web searches and literature review as described above. Games were excluded if they were not designed for play on a computer.

    Videos and Apps:

    In most cases, research-based evidence was not available for these types of resources. Independent review of the resource was conducted by researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use (formerly the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre) who considered the accuracy of the information as well as the presentation style and quality. A written summary of this review is provided for each resource under "Evidence Base". 

  • Q: Do I need to pay to use this site?

    No, the Positive Choices alcohol and other drug education portal is a free resource funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. It is designed to help students, parents, and teachers access accurate up-to-date drug information and prevention resources. 

  • Q: What is the Australian National Drug Strategy?

    Positive Choices was funded in 2012 by the Australian Government Department of Health and developed to align with the Australian National Drug Strategy. On the 29th May 2017, the Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum endorsed the next iteration of Australia’s National Drug Strategy. The aim of the 2017-2026 National Drug Strategy is to build safe, healthy and resilient Australian communities through preventing and minimising alcohol, tobacco and other drug-related health, social, cultural and economic harms among individuals, families and communities. The National Drug Strategy encompasses three pillars:

    • Demand Reduction: Preventing the uptake and/ or delaying the onset of use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs; reducing the misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in the community; and supporting people to recover from dependence through evidence informed treatment.
    • Supply Reduction: Preventing, stopping, disrupting or otherwise reducing the production and supply of illegal drugs; and controlling, managing and/or regulating the availability of legal drugs.
    • Harm Reduction: Reducing the adverse health, social and economic consequences of the use of drugs, for the user, their families and the wider community.

    By providing young people, their teachers and parents with drug information and prevention resources, Positive Choices is part of this broader strategy aimed at preventing and or delaying the uptake of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and reducing the harm associated with these substances.

  • Q: What are the icons for?

    Positive Choices is rich in information and resources so we have created a library of icons to give you a visual short-cut to the kind of information provided.

    If you have difficulty remembering what the icons stand for, remember that you can hover your mouse over the icons and a quick pop up balloon will tell you what it's for. Below is the list of icons with a brief explanation of their purpose:

    User Groups: User groups are the main audience types that this site caters for.

    • The Teacher user group is represented by a green silhouette of one person in front of a classroom board. Resources of this type are educational resources that can be used or adapted for the classroom.
    • The Parent user group is represented by a blue silhouette of three people. Resources of this type are informational resources for parents containing drug facts and guidance.
    • The Student user group is represented by an orange silhouette of one person in front of an open book. Resources of this type are educational resources designed for student use, with a focus on resources that are engaging and fun, such as videos, apps and games.

    Resource Types: Resources are categorised by type of information and media type.

    • Recommended programs contain a full program of drug and alcohol lessons designed for classroom delivery by teachers. All our recommended programs have demonstrated benefits in research evaluations.
    • Quick Activities are brief educational exercises that can be completed within the duration of one class.
    • Drugs A-Z contains information and facts related to particular drug types and classes. This information is updated regularly as new research evidence becomes available.
    • Factsheets contain information and facts informed by the latest research. These are available as a downloadable resource for all user types.
    • Videos contain educational content and can be used by teachers as classroom resources or by parents and students seeking information.
    • Games are a fun way for students and young people to learn about drugs and alcohol.
    • Apps are resources that can be downloaded to mobile devices.
    • Webinars are recorded online seminars that are held at scheduled dates. Some webinars include online user participation, and may require (free) registration. They provide up-to-date information for teachers, parents and students.

    Resources are also given an evidence rating based on the amount of research and evidence backing up that resource. These are given rating icons. For more information on this rating system and its icons, see the section under "What do the Evidence Ratings mean?"

  • Q: Using search filters on this site

    There are a vast number of resources available on Positive Choices, so to help you sort through it, we've created a list of filters to help you simplify and narrow your search results. Search filters can be seen on the left hand column under the "Sort my search by" heading on search result pages, or when viewing a list of resources (e.g., Teacher Resources and Recommended Program Resources).

    To filter your search results, click to expand each search category. For example, if you wish to filter your results to only show cannabis-related resources, you would click to expand all filters under "Drug Type", and click the checkbox for "cannabis". Then click on the "Update" button to refine  your search.

    Note: If you wish to remove the filters from your search results, you would have to uncheck the box next to the appropriate filter and click on the "Update" button. 

    You can also view a quick and handy video on how to use the search filters.

    If you have a question that you can't find the answer to why not get in touch? Just go to our contact page to ask your question.