All states and territories across Australia have now commenced implementation of the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum sets consistent standards nationally for what students across Australia should be learning. The Australian Health and Physical Education curriculum was implemented in 2014 and is made available for state and territory use.
To assist teachers in planning their lessons in line with the Australian Curriculum, resources in the portal have been mapped onto focus areas within the Australian Curriculum. Some resources, such as the OurFutures and SHAHRP programs, have been designed with the Australian Curriculum in mind and address many of the Health and Physical Education general and “AD” (Alcohol and other Drugs) curriculum items. Other resources may only relate to one focus area. In the left-hand column of a resource description, under “Links to the National Curriculum”, you can see the curriculum items that resource could be used to address. By hovering over the curriculum code, (e.g., ACCPS072) a pop-up text box will tell you the content domain, and clicking on the code will take you to the full description of that curriculum item on the Australian Curriculum website.
To find out more about guidelines in your state, visit the relevant Department of Education website. Some states have free access to drug education resources provided by the department (e.g., SDERA resources in WA; Get Ready resources in Victoria).
Department of Education Links: