Dear *|FNAME|*,
Welcome to our Term 2 newsletter! In this newsletter, you'll find trusted information and resources to help keep your teen safe from drug and alcohol harms.
This week is National Families Week! Families play an important role in drug education and prevention among young people. If you're looking for information and advice to help you talk to your children about drugs and alcohol, check out our various resources via the Positive Choices "Parents & Families" portal here:
Adolescence is a time of significant biological, psychological, and social transformations. It is also a key time of social reorientation, with young people gradually spending more and more time with peers. This webinar will be presented by Dr Louise Birrell and Dr Jack Andrews from the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use. The webinar will:
- Examine trends in adolescent substance use and mental health.
- Explore the profound impact of peers on shaping mental health and substance use patterns among young people.
- Reveal new interventions attempting to harness the positive aspects of peer influence to improve outcomes among adolescents.
Glossary of drug and alcohol terms
Have you heard a term or street name for a drug but not sure what it is? Check out this factsheet for a glossary of terms and street names, and to find out more about the effects of various drugs.
E-cigarettes and the Environment
Littered e-cigarette packaging and devices are a growing environmental concern in Australia. Check out our latest blog post which looks at how disposable vapes are harming the environment.
The unintended normalisation of alcohol: What role does the family play?
Did you know that your drinking habits around the home can influence how your children view alcohol use, and affect their own drinking behaviours? For tips on how to model responsible drinking for your teen, click here.
Talking about vaping with young people
If you're concerned about your teen vaping, it's important as a parent or guardian to know the facts, and what the risks are. Before you have the 'tricky' conversation with them, make sure that you check out these 6 helpful tips by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation.
As a parent, guardian or family member, you have a big impact on teenager’s lives and the decisions they make. Through positive actions like being a supportive role model for your teen, encouraging them to participate in community activities and learning about their friends, you can help reduce the chance that they will use alcohol (also known as grog), tobacco or other drugs. Here's 8 proven ways to help them stay safe.
Did you know that Positive Choices is now a Healthdirect Information Partner? Through this partnership, we hope to contribute to Healthdirect's goal of improving access to health information and services for all Australians! Access our endorsed content here.
A study published in Drug and Alcohol Review found that drug use was higher among Australian young people identifying as LGBTQIA than the general youth population, particularly among those who reported experiencing LGBTQIA-based prejudice, harassment and homelessness.
A recent US study has revealed that teens overestimate how much their peers post about alcohol on social media. It also found they were more likely to use alcohol if they perceived that their friends were sharing alcohol-related content. Read more here.
Looking for tips on how to talk to a young person about alcohol and other drugs? Want to learn more about ways that parents can protect against drug use and related harms? Order your FREE copy of the parents and families booklet today.
The aim of this e-newsletter is to provide our subscribers with information about drug prevention resources, and to share relevant news and events.
Please help us spread the word by forwarding this newsletter to other parents and families within your networks, and encourage them to subscribe here.