
Grog Brain Story

  • For indigenous Australians on alcohol
  • About the effects of alcohol on the brain
Targeted Drugs:

This resource has undergone expert review.

Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Time Allocated

Partial lesson (under 45mins)





Content Especially Suited For

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders


These videos are available on YouTube.
A companion flipchart is available with more information.

Watch 'Grog Brain Story: English'

Watch 'Grog Brain Story: Warlpiri'

Watch 'Grog Brain Story: Kriol'



Video length: 3-5 minutes (length differs per language)

This animated video aims to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians with relevant and accessible information about the impact of alcohol on the brain and behaviour. The video is available in English, Warlpiri and Kriol. Simple animation provides an introduction to different parts of the brain, and impact when alcohol is introduced. The impact of alcohol addiction on family, community, culture, and well-being are emphasised, as well as the power of the brain and potential to change. 

Grog Brain Story is part of The Brain Stories series. Other resources in this series include:

Expected Benefits

  • Increased knowledge of alcohol-related effects and harms.

Evidence Base

Expert Review*:

The Grog Brain Story provides an overview of how alcohol affects the brain and has been translated into Warlpiri and Kriol, making it especially suited to Aboriginal Australians.  Although not specifically designed for teenagers, The Grog Brain story explores the functions of the brain and impact when alcohol is introduced in a simple and engaging way.  Positive effects that draw people to alcohol are explored, as well as the repercussions for family, self, culture and community.  The video’s message is simple, yet empowering, emphasising the importance of keeping one’s brain, friends, family, and culture strong. The conclusion is hopeful, with the issue of dependence framed as a solvable problem. The video touches on various themes within the Alcohol and other Drugs (AD) components of the Australian Health and Physical Education curriculum, including social influences, social consequences, and support-seeking. 

* Review provided by researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney.

Page last reviewed: 19/09/2024

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