All recommended programs included on Positive Choices are evidence-based. This means that all of the programs have been tested in a research study and were found to benefit the young people who received them. Each recommended program page on Positive Choices has a section that summarises the benefits for students who complete the program.
There is new evidence that shows that the benefits of some programs are sustained for up to 7 years after the program was delivered. Two recent Australian studies found that students who received the programs Climate Schools (now known as OurFutures) alcohol and cannabis course and Preventure in Year 8 continued to benefit seven years later at age 20.
These benefits are summarised below, and you can read the full studies here and here.
Climate Schools (OurFutures)
Climate Schools is a universal (i.e., delivered to all students regardless of their level or risk for substance use) program targeting alcohol use and related harms. The evidence showed that students who received the program in Year 8, compared to students who did not receive the intervention, experienced the following benefits seven years later in their early adulthood:
- Less likely to experience alcohol related harms.
- Less likely to engage in hazardous alcohol use
- Less frequent monthly binge drinking
Preventure is a selective prevention program and is only delivered to students with specific personality traits that may influence risk-taking behaviours and mental health. The studies found that students that received the Preventure program, compared to students who did not receive the intervention, had the following benefits seven years later:
- Less likely to experience alcohol related harms
- Those who did experience alcohol-related harms, experienced fewer
- Less likely to engage in hazardous alcohol use
- Lower weekly alcohol use
Some international prevention programs have demonstrated long-term effectiveness as well, for example students who completed the Botvin Life Skills Training were found to have reduced rates of cannabis use 13 years after receiving the program, in a US-based study.