Drug and Alcohol Information
Get informed, stay smart, stay safe
A database of evidence-based alcohol and drug education resources.
By default results that have the highest evidence rating, and are Australia-based, are displayed first.
Skills for navigating challenging situations.
Year: Year 3–4, Year 5–6, Year 7–8, Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Curriculum-based program featuring engaging cartoons to prevent harm from cannabis, MDMA/ecstasy & methamphetamine "Ice"
Year: Year 9–10
Fun, arcade-style game to educate students about drug effects and potential harms.
Game where student solve drug-related cases by gathering evidence. Spanish language version available.
This app provides evidence-based & up-to-date resources about crystal methamphetamine (ice).
Information and guidance for parents on a range of alcohol and other drugs.
Get the facts about illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in the hard copy or online version of this booklet.
Guide to evidence-based drug and alcohol education.
Accurate up-to-date information about drug use patterns among young people.
Heard about Ice but not sure what it is? Get the facts on Ice and other forms of methamphetamine & their effects.
This factsheet explores common myths about drugs and provides research based facts & statistics. Some may surprise you.
The Not Our Way Ice video shows the stories of previous ice users and the families of ice users.
Students learn the facts about cocaine, MDMA/ecstasy, methamphetamine ("Ice"), and new psychoactive substances.
Test your students' knowledge on drugs and alcohol via an interactive online quiz.
This webinar will show you how to use Positive Choices to make the most out of your drug education lessons.
This webinar presents up-to-date evidence on outcomes associated with methamphetamine use in youth
Students explore the brains of mice affected by drugs to understand the impact.
Below you will find a list of useful drug education resources. You can filter these according to your needs using the filters on the left hand side. See Getting Started for more information about how to use this site.
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