Drug and Alcohol Information
Get informed, stay smart, stay safe
A database of evidence-based alcohol and drug education resources.
By default results that have the highest evidence rating, and are Australia-based, are displayed first.
Skills for navigating challenging situations.
Year: Year 3–4, Year 5–6, Year 7–8, Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Curriculum-based online program featuring an engaging cartoon-based drama.
Year: Year 9–10
Combined school-based and family intervention.
Year: Year 7–8
Interactive drug prevention program on coping skills, decision-making & motivation. Spanish language version available.
Year: Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Curriculum-based program featuring engaging cartoons to prevent harm from cannabis, MDMA/ecstasy & methamphetamine "Ice"
Learn how to be assertive, deal with pressure from friends and make your own decisions about alcohol and drugs.
These videos demonstrate how to talk to teens about drug use and motivate them to make changes.
Demonstrates different approaches to starting conversations to help a friend and encourage them to seek support.
Learn how media and marketing can influence young people’s alcohol, tobacco and e-cigarette use, and what we can do.
Video demonstration shows how parents can communicate effectively with teenagers about alcohol use.
This factsheet provides advice for school staff around reducing harm from alcohol and other drug use in rural areas.
This animated video series for young people explores the effects of alcohol, cannabis and MDMA on the adolescent brain.
A factsheet on Shisha developed for young people available in English and Arabic.
Read our guide to effective communication.
Read our guide to effective communication about e-cigarettes/vaping.
Unsure how to approach the subject of drug and alcohol use? Read our guide to effective communication.
This webinar will provide practical advice about talking to teenagers about alcohol.
This factsheet highlights the importance of drug and alcohol prevention and the best time to begin prevention programs.
This video illustrates how parents can talk to children about prevention of alcohol and drug abuse.
This comic-book style app focuses on the decision-making process involved when confronted with drugs and alcohol.
Game where students learn about opioids and build skills to promote mental health and prevent substance use
Below you will find a list of useful drug education resources. You can filter these according to your needs using the filters on the left hand side. See Getting Started for more information about how to use this site.
Guide to evidence-based drug and alcohol education.
School-based program to increase personality-specific coping skills in high-risk teenagers.
For school staff, parents and others interested in understanding the effect of drugs on developing brain.
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