Drug and Alcohol Information
Get informed, stay smart, stay safe
A database of evidence-based alcohol and drug education resources.
By default results that have the highest evidence rating, and are Australia-based, are displayed first.
Curriculum-based online program featuring an engaging cartoon-based drama.
Year: Year 9–10
Combined school-based and family intervention.
Year: Year 7–8
Aussie Optimism is a school-based health promotion program with a positive psychology approach.
Year: Foundation Year, Year 1–2, Year 3–4, Year 5–6, Year 7–8
Online neuroscience-based prevention program for older adolescents.
Year: Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Get the facts about e-cigarettes, vaping and the law
Teacher version: Aims to provide Indigenous Australians with accessible information about alcohol's effects on the brain
Foster a positive & protective school environment.
Learn about medical stimulants, study drugs, and effective study tips
Video demonstration shows how parents can communicate effectively with teenagers about alcohol use.
Video developed in collaboration with culturally and linguistically diverse youth about performance enhancing drugs.
Students learn the effects of cannabis.
Understand how substance use, mental health and lifestyle beahaviours are related and how you can foster healthy habits.
Teacher version: Think Smart is an Indigenous Australian hip-hop music video about alcohol related harms.
This webinar will show you how to use Positive Choices to make the most out of your drug education lessons.
This webinar will discuss OurFutures, a suite of innovative and engaging evidence-based health and education courses.
This webinar provides an overview of the Preventure program, the program's evidence, and details on Preventure training.
This webinar discusses Strong & Deadly Futures; an Aboriginal and Torres Strait substance use prevention program.
This webinar is for school staff, parents and other who are seeking information about drug use & harms among rural youth
This video talks about what parents can expect when they seek professional help from a psychologist for their child.
Video developed in collaboration with culturally and linguistically diverse youth about a day with and without alcohol.
Below you will find a list of useful drug education resources. You can filter these according to your needs using the filters on the left hand side. See Getting Started for more information about how to use this site.
Guide to evidence-based drug and alcohol education.
School-based program to increase personality-specific coping skills in high-risk teenagers.
For school staff, parents and others interested in understanding the effect of drugs on developing brain.
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